We are on the brink of change. Like the industrial revolution before it, the digital era brings new ways of organization and interaction between humans.
Every day there is a new technological innovation, and with it, different lifestyle patterns emerge. The shopping cart is in our pocket. With only 2 clicks, we can buy handmade boots from a man who started his business in Barcelona, has a Russian girlfriend, and is now rooted in Alentejo.
With such a diverse ecosystem, your brand needs a strategy based on factual data from your audience, the competition’s online presence, and the neighboring trends.
First, we analyze and re-analyze data that, in 1969, would have enough GB to get Neil Amstrong to the moon.
Then, we define the results fancied. All companies have different goals. For example, a business specializing in souvenirs in Lisbon may not need the local clicks. But yes, from people that google “What to see in Lisbon.”
You probably don’t need a Pinterest, or maybe you do. But the decision must be a careful examination of all data. There is no need to spend energy in the wrong network. Time is money, and our attention span is about 12 seconds. Use them wisely.
At simple, we help our clients have a more transparent and beneficial communication. When we can see the road ahead, it’s simpler to walk on the digital table board.